Are you having trouble with your wireless signal and range? You’re not by yourself. Even though the range of wireless routers is continually expanding, numerous barriers can limit the range and strength of your wireless network. There are easy remedies available, many of which are fortunately free. Here are some tips on how to improve WiFi reception before you throw in the towel and spend considerably more than you need to on a professional.
The Wi-Fi internet signal does not always live up to our expectations and does not always reach all regions of our home or workplace. We use signal boosters, Wi-Fi repeaters, and range extenders to increase the signal, as recommended by internet service providers. While these devices can help enhance signal quality, they are not always a foolproof solution, and the signal can still be inconsistent.
Routers broadcast a signal within a defined coverage region. The frequency range used, any physical barriers in the road, the router’s output power, and the number of Wi-Fi users connected at the same time all influence the coverage distance. With the following steps, you may have better Wi-Fi signals in house.
Why have a poor Wi-Fi reception?
Several factors influence Wi-Fi network performance, which explains why they appear to be unreliable.
i) Physical distance
Wi-Fi routers do not have the same transmission strength as cell towers for obvious technological and safety reasons. Cheaper Wi-Fi routers may struggle to provide a strong Wi-Fi signal even in a tiny apartment, let alone a whole RV park. As a result, it is critical to understand how to boost the Wi-Fi signal in the RV Park. A Wi-Fi analyzer program like NetSpot can help you figure out how far your Wi-Fi router can reach.

ii) Obstructions
Various obstructions and items, such as walls, ductwork, furniture, home appliances, and even human being, can partially absorb or fully block Wi-Fi signals. Because higher frequency Wi-Fi signals do not penetrate solid objects as effectively as lower frequency signals, these Wi-Fi blockers severely impact 5 GHz Wi-Fi networks.
iii) Interference
Wi-Fi signals use the same radio frequency band as actual radios, cell phones, microwave ovens, walkie-talkies, baby monitors, and various other devices, all of which can disrupt Wi-Fi signals. Of course, Wi-Fi networks can interfere, which is a common problem in apartment complexes and other heavily populated locations.
iv) Router capacity
Not all routers are created equal, much as not all PCs can perform simple web browsing while some can generate complicated 3D objects. A low-end router cannot reasonably be expected to give a reliable wireless connection to a building more than 100 feet away. As a result, knowing how to extend my WiFi signal to a building 400 feet away is critical.
v) Bandwidth hoggers
The issue isn’t always with the strength of your Wi-Fi signal but instead with the capacity of your internet connection. Even a solid Wi-Fi network might be slowed down by video chatting or streaming on several devices. It’s critical to control bandwidth hogs and prevent them from stealing bandwidth from others for the most incredible experience.
vi) Your ISP
You could efficiently squander an entire day debugging bad Wi-Fi performance without understanding that your ISP is to blame. Connect to the internet through a wired connection and run an internet speed test to see whether this is the case. Your measured download and upload speeds should match your ISP’s quoted speeds. If they don’t, don’t be afraid to file a complaint.
vii) Enhanced performance features
Quality of Service, Multi-user MIMO (MU-MIMO), beamforming, and other performance-enhancing technologies are supported by modern routers. However, some of these functions may require manual activation, and older routers may not support them at all.
Now that you know the top elements that influence Wi-Fi performance, you can focus on some things you can do to improve its reception.
How to Improve WiFi reception
1) Remove physical obstructions between your device and the router
A Wi-Fi signal can typically go 1000 feet; however, every wall reduces that distance by 100 feet. Ensure your computer has line-of-sight access to the router for the most reliable connection. If that isn’t possible, you can still increase reception by removing some of the obstacles
2) Switch to 5 GHz
Log in to your Wi-Fi router’s admin website and change the wireless band setting to 5 GHz if you have a dual-band router (2 GHz and 5 GHz). This band is less crowded because fewer devices operate at this frequency, resulting in a faster and more reliable wireless connection.
3) Eliminate 2.4 GHz wireless interference
You can skip this step if you’re utilizing 5 GHz. Interference from standard household equipment and nearby networks might cause failed connections and sluggish speeds if 2.4 GHz is your only option. Attempt to reduce interference from the following sources: your neighbor’s wireless network, High-voltage home appliances such as air conditioners, microwaves, refrigerators, and washing machines, 4 GHz cordless phones, and Bluetooth accessory
4) Connect the wireless router to a less-busy channel
Your connection will be slow and patchy if too many neighbors utilize the same Wi-Fi channel. To find the least busy channel to connect to, use a free Wi-Fi scanning application like inSSIDer by MetaGeek. There’s less possibility of a busy channel causing a slow connection if you have a 5 GHz router, but it’s still conceivable.
5) Purchase wireless range extender
You can use a wireless range extender to rebroadcast your router’s wireless signal in other parts of your home or business if you can’t get within 50 to 100 feet of it and there are physical barriers. You might also try increasing the number of antennae. One antenna may be angled at 45 degrees, another at 60 degrees, and yet another at 35 degrees. The signal will then cover the entire area.
6) Restart your router
Please turn off the router, then wait 30 seconds before turning it back on. Allow it to run for 5 minutes before checking your internet speed.
7) Keep Your Router Updated
If you pay attention to the news, you’ve probably heard about the increasing number of large-scale malware attacks that cost organizations and individuals billions of dollars each year. If all routers were kept up to date, many of these assaults would be impossible.
When malware attacks a router, it can steal bandwidth and spread to other devices across the network. Even if no malicious software is present, routers with outdated firmware perform worse than routers that have been appropriately updated.
8) Cut Off Wi-Fi Leeches
In this day and age, having an encrypted, password-protected Wi-Fi network is essential. The demand for open, fast Wi-Fi networks is growing as more people rely on them than ever before. Don’t assume that they won’t use yours just because your neighbors have their own Wi-Fi network. You should encrypt your Wi-Fi and protect it with a solid and difficult-to-guess password.
9) Control Bandwidth Hoggers
It only takes one bandwidth-hungry program or client to slow down everyone else on the same Wi-Fi network’s download and upload speeds. Modern routers, thankfully, enable QoS (Quality of Service) features, which allow customers to prefer specific applications over others. With QoS, you’ll never be stopped while online gaming by someone streaming a 1440p movie on YouTube or downloading a large Linux distribution from the internet.
10) Use the Latest Wi-Fi Technologies
Compared to prior Wi-Fi technologies like IEEE 802.11b, g, and others, the newest wireless technology, IEEE 802.11ac, provides faster download and upload speeds and increased range. To improve home Wi-Fi, make sure your home router and Wi-Fi-enabled devices, such as smartphones and laptops, are compatible with taking advantage of the latest Wi-Fi technologies.
11) Set Up a Mesh Wi-Fi System
Even the most capable router can’t always reliably cover the whole living space with a strong Wi-Fi connection. In such instances, a mesh Wi-Fi system, which comprises a primary router and numerous satellite devices that work together to give smooth Wi-Fi coverage, is the best option.
12) Employ Wired Internet
If the techniques mentioned above for boosting wireless internet performance haven’t worked, it’s time to shift your attention away from Wi-Fi and evaluate wired internet performance. An Ethernet cable and a laptop or desktop PC with an Ethernet port are required.
Bottom line
This article has shown you how to boost the signal strength of your home wireless network and reduce interference. Many factors, like the physical location of your wireless access point, influence your ability to maintain a steady Wi-Fi connection. Network performance can be considerably improved by placing your router in the best possible place and reducing interference (both physical and wireless). With the above-stated tips, you are assured of better Wi-Fi reception, thus turning your home or office into a smart hub.