Do you have a weak Wi-Fi signal and a short-range in your home? You aren’t alone. Despite the continually expanding range of wireless routers, your Wi-Fi network’s range and strength can be limited by several factors. There are a variety of essential remedies available, many of which are, happily, free. Before you throw in the towel and pay a professional considerably more than you need to, here are some tips on how to get better wifi signal in house.
A poor Wi-Fi signal can ruin an otherwise lovely evening and your ability to work productively if you work remotely for your job. Notably, Wi-Fi becomes unreliable when you have slow load times and a lack of support for bandwidth-intensive activities, resulting in irritation and lost time. When you have a poor cell signal at home, you may experience similar issues. As a result, you’ll need to boost cell signals at home for free or at cost.
You should be able to rely on your internet connection without encountering slowdown or dead zones in your home. Run a speed test to find the actual speed your connection offers if your devices are constantly dropping the signal or you can never seem to get ideal performance when connected. Disappointing results suggest a problem with the Wi-Fi network at one or more points. So, how can you get over Wi-Fi issues and enjoy fast internet for both works and play? To get a better signal, try these easy tips.
Why do you get poor Wi-Fi signals in the house?
Because your Wi-Fi network uses radio waves to transmit data, it may be subject to the same limits as other types of radio signals. As a result, you may experience poor Wi-Fi signals in your home due to the same concerns that affect other radio technologies:
i) The physical distance between your router and devices
Wi-Fi routers do not have the same transmitting strength as cell towers for obvious technological and security reasons. Cheaper routers may struggle to provide a strong Wi-Fi signal even in a reasonably modest apartment, let alone a whole home. Weak Wi-Fi signals in most locations of an RV park are a result of this factor. Thus, RV owners will need to boost Wi-Fi signals in RV parks for every user.
ii) Presence of obstacles
Various obstructions and items, such as walls, ductwork, furniture, home appliances, and even humans, can partially absorb or entirely block Wi-Fi signals. Because higher frequency signals do not penetrate solid objects and lower frequency signals, these Wi-Fi blockers have a particularly detrimental impact on 5 GHz Wi-Fi networks.
iii) Limited router capacity
Not all routers are equally powerful, much as not all computers can perform simple web browsing while some can produce complicated 3D objects. A busy workplace with more than a dozen employees, Wi-Fi-connected printers, and wireless security cameras can’t reasonably expect a low-end router to deliver dependable wireless internet access.
iv) Interference
Wi-Fi signals share the same radio frequency band as actual radios, cell phones, microwave ovens, walkie-talkies, and baby monitors, which can all interfere with Wi-Fi signals. Of course, Wi-Fi networks can interfere with one another, which is a common problem in apartments and other densely populated regions. It’s also worth noting that cell signals can be too distorted, resulting in poor reception. You’ll have to look for strategies to improve cell phone reception.
v) Bandwidth hoggers
Issues aren’t always with the intensity of your Wi-Fi signal but instead with the bandwidth of your internet connection. Even a robust Wi-Fi network might be slowed down by video chatting or streaming on several devices.
vi) It is your ISP problem
It’s easy to lose an entire day troubleshooting poor Wi-Fi performance without understanding it’s your internet service provider’s fault. You should also note that poor cell signal in most rural locations could also be due to your carrier’s lack of cell towers in those areas. If you have a weak outside signal, you will need to invest in the best cell phone booster for rural areas.
Best ways how to get better Wi-Fi signal in house?

Now that you know the main factors that affect Wi-Fi performance, it’s time to look at some of the things you can do to improve it. Ensure to read out our guide for more information, including how to extend my Wi-Fi signal to another building 400 feet away. Try these simple tricks to get a better Wi-Fi signal in your house.
1) Relocate your Wi-Fi router
The location of your router might have a significant impact on whether or not you get the optimum signal coverage. Some of this is determined by the router you have and the signal strength it provides. Place your wireless router in a more central area if possible. On the other hand, your router can be placed in almost any place in your home. With a wireless router’s average range of 150 feet, a centrally situated router should reach all parts of an average-sized home more effectively.
2) Minimize interference
One of the reasons that changing your router can help so much is that some fewer adjacent items or devices can cause interference in the new position. Furthermore, the Wi-Fi signal is essentially an RF wave. Almost anything under the sun and everything within your home can interrupt or obstruct it.
Although having a dual-band router that can run on multiple frequencies will help avoid some types of interference, it’s easy to sabotage your signal without even realizing it by doing the things you do every day.
3) Change your Wi-Fi router channel
This tip is entirely reliant on your wireless router. If you live in an apartment, your wireless interference difficulties could be due to your next-door neighbor’s Wi-Fi network. Changing the channel on your wireless network allows it to operate on a slightly different section of the frequency spectrum, which eliminates the interference problem. Depending on your device and brand, you’ll have to change the channel differently.
4) Update your router’s firmware
Is the firmware on your router up to date? Its performance may be severely hampered if its firmware hasn’t been updated for a long time. Only a few routers can automatically update their firmware, so check the router’s mobile app (if it has one) or the control panel to see if the firmware can be updated.
If you have an older router, the process may be more difficult; consult your user handbook for more information. Did you know that one way how to improve cell signals at home is to update your phone’s software? You now know!
5) Keep out Wi-Fi moochers
Without sufficient security measures, your neighbors can not only detect your network but also connect to it and use your signal as much as they like. Setting up a secure password and sharing it exclusively with family members is the most straightforward approach to prevent stolen bandwidth and malicious third parties from accessing your network.
6) Invest in an internet booster
Sometimes all you need is a Wi-Fi booster. An internet booster works by bypassing your signal through another device to increase its strength. These devices, often known as “Wi-Fi repeaters,” can be used to increase the range and power of a weak signal.
Wi-Fi repeaters take up the signal and beam it into rooms beyond the router’s range, but this comes at the cost of a slower connection for anyone using a device in those regions. Another alternative is to acquire a second router and a long Ethernet cable and link it to the primary modem to create a second access point.
7) Invest in mesh networks
A mesh router system could be a viable solution for poor Wi-Fi performance in large homes or homes with layouts that make it challenging to prevent interference. These systems comprise a primary router, similar to the one you presently have, and “node” routers placed around the house.
Unlike extenders or repeaters, nodes ensure that all users receive full signal intensity. You also get the convenience of connecting to a single network rather than several access points.
8) Go the DIY route
Using foil or aluminum beer cars, you can squeeze a small range out of your Wi-Fi network. This isn’t a failsafe approach, but it can help you get more range out of your Wi-Fi. If you’re having trouble with your cell signals while hiking, you can use a homemade portable cell phone signal booster for hiking to improve them.
9) Reboot the router
When your router isn’t performing as well as it should, or you can’t connect to your Wi-Fi, rebooting it may help. If you have an unexpected or abrupt difficulty, attempt a manual reboot to see if the problem goes away.
10) Invest in a new router
At the end of the day, investing in more robust hardware is one of the most effective ways to improve inadequate signal strength and range for wireless networks. Many of the preceding approaches may not work or only function to a limited extent if your wireless router is old or cheap.
Bottom line
You may get more out of your work and leisure time when your Wi-Fi signal is functioning correctly. The above tips will help you eliminate dead zones, create consistent signal strength across your home, and guarantee that all users have the best experience possible.
With fewer dropped signals and faster load times, you’ll be more productive and less frustrated, allowing you to enjoy your high-speed internet connection the way it was intended.